
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Second Farewell :(

My Second Farewell ☹             So, the time has come, and the realization has finally hit me in the head. Finals are coming up, which means that my life will soon become a living hell for a whole week. That’s not even the worst part however… I will soon be leaving my dorm and my favorite roommate.             At first, I was never fond of the idea of being assigned a random roommate. I was not keen to the idea at all, and I didn’t think that it was fair. You could say that I had some pretty harsh words for the housing department. I mean, I was just chillin without a car in the world, and then they just pull up with some bull**** like that. I was about to explode. But honestly, I’m glad that it happened.             Because of this assignment, I found a new friend. We share so many similarities and common interes...