Messy Roommate College Edition

How Much of a Messy Person Are You? (College Edition)
              Rooming with someone can be quite a hassle. It’s even harder when that person you are rooming with is not a clean person. In fact, they are the complete opposite. They are a dirty, filthy pig with socks and underwear on the floor, papers scattered all over the place, and 2-week-old food that has gone rancid. These are just a few things that messy roommates have in their room. The only sad part is that you gotta look at it :^( Trust me, anybody that aint got his or her room cleaned up, needs to be taken care of, point-blank-period!
              Here today is a checklist of 10 scenarios for anyone who has fallen victim to living with a pig of a roommate.

·       Does your roommate make his or her bed?
·       Does he or she fold his or her clothes?
·       Does your roommate respect your space? (simply does he or she keep his or her sh** on his or her side of the room)
·       Is your roommate organized?
·       Does your roommate clean his or herself? (yes, this is sad to ask, I know… smfh)
·       Is your roommate a dirt magnet?
·       Does your roommate even suggest vacuuming the room, at any point?
·       Does your roommate take out his or her trash?
·       Are you embarrassed to bring anybody to your room strictly because of your roommate?
If you said yes to any of the questions above, you need to get out of your room now. Your better hurry before its too late big fella. Leave now! The mess has already engulfed your room. Don’t let the mess engulf you too. If you have any question about your condition, please contact the number below.
Phone Number: 1-800-GETMEOUTOFHERE


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