Messy Roommate Poem

Messy Roommate Poem

Messy roommate, messy roommate, how I do not miss thee,

Your dirty clothes I can’t forget, the ones that smell like pee,

It feels so nice to be alive and free,

For the floor beneath my feet, I can finally see

Unmade beds, and rotten food will not be missed for sure,

For the lack of manners could not be ignored

The time came where you left for good,

Good thing because my pleas were never understood

I drowned in my own surroundings and coughed at your horrible fume,

I am so happy that you do not live in my room,

A joyous time it was when your left the door,

For I simply could not take it anymore

Messy roommate, messy roommate, how I do not miss thee,

Your dirty clothes, I can’t forget, the ones that smelled like pee,

The time is amazing, a joyous one to see,

For life has never been better now that I am free


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