
My Second Farewell :(

My Second Farewell ☹             So, the time has come, and the realization has finally hit me in the head. Finals are coming up, which means that my life will soon become a living hell for a whole week. That’s not even the worst part however… I will soon be leaving my dorm and my favorite roommate.             At first, I was never fond of the idea of being assigned a random roommate. I was not keen to the idea at all, and I didn’t think that it was fair. You could say that I had some pretty harsh words for the housing department. I mean, I was just chillin without a car in the world, and then they just pull up with some bull**** like that. I was about to explode. But honestly, I’m glad that it happened.             Because of this assignment, I found a new friend. We share so many similarities and common interes...

Dealing with a Messy Roommate

Dealing with a Messy Roommate                    Hi everyone! Following the past few blogs from before, I thought it would only be right to post a blog about dealing with the messy roommate of yours. I am sure that many of you know that your roommate is messy but just don't know how to approach the situation at hand. Here are a few ways to help you deal with a messy roommate.  Approaching the Situation  Approaching the situation can be hard for most people. It's easy to realize a problem, but it is not so easy to figure out ways to deal with the problem. Being that you are rooming with someone, it is important to be able to communicate with this other person. Communication makes the world go wrong, so this is probably the most important thing when approaching this issue.  What do you say? Now, what do you say to this person. When communicating with this person, remember to be nice and friendly....

New Roommate is WAY BETTER

My Awesome New Roommate             As you all already know, I had the most disgusting roommate on this planet. He left trash all over the room, left half eaten food on the rug, and stunk up the place with his dirty clothes and shoes. It was a horrible experience indeed. I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to stay in a room with that man for even a second. Thankfully, his stank ass left this place. I thought I would have had my dorm all to myself, but the school ended up assigning me a new roommate (he said with the biggest sigh ever heard). I could only fear for the worst…             It turns out that my new roommate is the opposite of my old roommate. You don’t understand how happy I am to know that there are people like me out there that respect other’s belongings and don’t trash the place. The fact that I get to stay in a room that smells amazing is a major blessing. G...

Messy Roommate Poem

Messy Roommate Poem Messy roommate, messy roommate, how I do not miss thee, Your dirty clothes I can’t forget, the ones that smell like pee, It feels so nice to be alive and free, For the floor beneath my feet, I can finally see Unmade beds, and rotten food will not be missed for sure, For the lack of manners could not be ignored The time came where you left for good, Good thing because my pleas were never understood I drowned in my own surroundings and coughed at your horrible fume, I am so happy that you do not live in my room , A joyous time it was when your left the door, For I simply could not take it anymore Messy roommate, messy roommate, how I do not miss thee, Your dirty clothes, I can’t forget, the ones that smelled like pee, The time is amazing, a joyous one to see, For life has never been better now that I am free

Messy Roommate College Edition

How Much of a Messy Person Are You? (College Edition)               Rooming with someone can be quite a hassle. It’s even harder when that person you are rooming with is not a clean person. In fact, they are the complete opposite. They are a dirty, filthy pig with socks and underwear on the floor, papers scattered all over the place, and 2-week-old food that has gone rancid. These are just a few things that messy roommates have in their room. The only sad part is that you gotta look at it :^( Trust me, anybody that aint got his or her room cleaned up, needs to be taken care of, point-blank-period!               Here today is a checklist of 10 scenarios for anyone who has fallen victim to living with a pig of a roommate. ·        Does your roommate make his or her bed? ·   ...

My Disgusting Roommate (Update)

My Roommate Has left the Building!             Today is one of the best days of my life. As you can tell from the title, my roommate has dropped out of college and took all his mess with him. I REPEAT, my pig of a roommate has left the building. I can’t tell you how happy I am. Words really can’t describe how I feel. If only you could see my dancing, LOL.              If you didn’t already know, my roommate was a complete pig. He never cleaned up anything on his side of the room. It was a room full of disgust and odd smells. I couldn’t not take it. I was about to take matters into my own hands and tell him what’s good. If I had pictures, I would show them, I’m just gonna let my words give you a picture.              Imagine bookbags throw to the floor, half eaten granola bars, crumbs of anything you could ...

My Disgusting Roommate

Living with a Roommate (PIG) Before I start my rant, I will start off by saying that I will not say any names in this blog to protect the identity of the pig that I live with. Living with a roommate is supposed to help you adjust to life on campus. Roommates offer company, advise, and conversation. Usually you room with someone that has the same interests as you like majors or sports. Although me and my roommate play the same sport, there are some clear lines that separate us on so many levels. I am usually a person that can adjust to certain things as they go on, but some things just do not change for me. Let me tell you, living with my roommate sucks… For starters, my roommate blasts music as loud as possible in the dorm while I am sitting quietly doing my homework at my desk. I could easily go somewhere else to do it, but he could easily put on headphones to listen to his own music. Another thing that bothers me is the fact that he chews his food and slurps his drink so loud...