My Disgusting Roommate

Living with a Roommate (PIG)

Before I start my rant, I will start off by saying that I will not say any names in this blog to protect the identity of the pig that I live with. Living with a roommate is supposed to help you adjust to life on campus. Roommates offer company, advise, and conversation. Usually you room with someone that has the same interests as you like majors or sports. Although me and my roommate play the same sport, there are some clear lines that separate us on so many levels. I am usually a person that can adjust to certain things as they go on, but some things just do not change for me. Let me tell you, living with my roommate sucks…

For starters, my roommate blasts music as loud as possible in the dorm while I am sitting quietly doing my homework at my desk. I could easily go somewhere else to do it, but he could easily put on headphones to listen to his own music. Another thing that bothers me is the fact that he chews his food and slurps his drink so loud. We get it, you are hungry and thirsty, but I do not need tot hear your experience of shoving into your pie hole. It is DISGUSTING… I am also bothered by the fact that he changes right in front of me. We are both athletes and we change in the locker room just like every other athlete, but our room and the locker room are two different atmospheres to be in. Getting butt-naked in front of me is not a comfortable thing to look at, I think that is safe to say for anyone. The list continues with his bodily functions. If you need to “let some hot air out”, go to the bathroom. Added to that is his manners. He has poor manners and no respect for my belonging on MY side of the room. I should not see your stuff on my side of the room. You should also not be using my stuff without my permission. That is just not cool on any level in my book. If matters couldn’t get any worse, this is the worst thing of all about living with my roommate. He is a pig, and that’s all there is to it. His side of the room is a complete mess. I feel embarrassed to bring friends into my room just because of his side of the room.

I never judge a book by its cover, but I should have caught a hint earlier on while living with him. There is a fine line that he crossed with me. I’m not a clean freak by any means. Sometimes I’m lazy and I don’t make up my bed, but that’s one thing. Leaving all of you stuff thrown on the floor is another thing. How could you grow up living in a pig sty? I cannot deal with this any longer. The smell, mess, and disgust has driven me to my breaking point. I shouldn’t have to live in these conditions with anyone no matter who you are. I will look to move out ASAP! 


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